
Great Ocean Road


Fire Rated Glazing Installation

FlashBack and Fast Forward…

Back in 2014 Bushfire Control installed BAL FZ rated windows and doors during a substantial renovation at this iconic beach house situated along Great Ocean Road, overlooking Fairhaven Beach VIC.

Situated in a flamezone due to the surrounding bushland and exposed location, the original owners installed floor to ceiling fIre rated glazing to satisfy building requirements, as well as maximise the position and expansive views.


Fast forward to 2022 and this stunning beach house is the star of a new Australian comedy/ drama now ready to binge on ABC iview!

“Summer Love is an anthology of eight unique stories at a holiday house where the dreamy enchantment of the beach collides with the clumsy reality of humans on holiday.”

Still feel like you've been here before?

This location is also the site of the shack used in filming the original Mad Max movie in 1979!


Follow the links for more information on our BAL FZ Warrior Fixed and Operable Fire Rated products.